Meritorious Service Award

1.     The ACTER Meritorious Service Award recognizes individuals who have made unique contributions to research in career and technical education during the previous three years. Contributions may be outstanding service, exemplary research activities, legislative advocacy or financial support.

2.     The recipient of this award may be a member of ACTER or from outside the association. Nomination by peers is required.

3.     Nominations must be received via e-mail no later than October 31. Nominations must include the appropriate cover page, a brief rationale for the nomination (approximately half a page but not to exceed one page), and a curriculum vita. E-mail nominations to the Past President.


past recipients of the Meritorious service award include:

1996 - Jerome Moss, Jr.
1997 - no nominations received
1998 - Wesley E. Budke
1999 - no nominations received
2000 - no nominations received
2001 - Bob R. Steward
2002 - no nominations received
2003 - no nominations received
2004 - no nominations received
2005 - Jay W. Rojewski
2006 Joe W. Kotrilik
2007 - James R. Stone III
2008 - Jack Elliot
2009 - Donna Pearson
2010 - Donna Redmann
2011 - no nominations received
2012 - no nominations received
2013 - no nominations received
2014 - no nominations received
2015 - Catherine Imperatore & Alisha Hyslop
2016 - no nominations received
2017 - no nominations received
2018 - James E. Bartlett, II
2019 - no nominations received
2020 - Michelle E. Bartlett
2021 - Katherine Kandalec Holm
2022 - Mark Threeton
2023 - J. Elaine Adams
2023 - Michael F. Kosloski
2024 - Kevin Elliott