The Journal of Career and Technical Education is a peer-reviewed, open access, electronic journal, publishing papers on issues and trends in career and technical education. The scope of the journal includes research reports conducted in the context of academic and career/technical education integration, agricultural education, business education, technology education, family and consumer sciences, and other related disciplines. The journal seeks submissions of manuscripts based on empirical research, quantitative and qualitative, contributing to the body of knowledge about the organization, implementation, and outcomes of programs and practices in career and technical education.
The Journal of Career and Technical Education is currently soliciting submissions for papers on a wide range of issues and trends in career and technical education. The journal seeks submissions of manuscripts reporting research featuring quantitative or qualitative research methods. Reviews of literature conducted as a research method are also accepted. Topics of interest should represent issues and practices in the context of academic and career/technical education integration, agricultural education, business education, technology education, family and consumer sciences, and other related disciplines. Manuscripts contributing to the body of knowledge about the organization, implementation, and outcomes of programs and practices in career and technical education are of particular interest.
E-ISSN: 1533-1830
ISSN: 1531-4952
Submission guidelines and access policies may be found at the Journal’s homepage at https://journalcte.org/
The quality of any research journal is dependent on the services of a strong Editorial Board and that is certainly true for the Journal of Career and Technical Education. The Board has provided guidance to the manuscript review process and the publication of JCTE and the Editors rely on them and volunteer reviewers to provide quality reviews of several manuscripts each year. We express our appreciation to each Editorial Board member for their contributions to JCTE.
Dr. Barbara Hagler, Chair
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Dr. J. Elaine Adams
University of Georgia
Dr. Stephen J. McCaskey
Indiana State University
Dr. Kristin Stair
Louisiana State University
Dr. John Cannon
University of Idaho
Dr. Sally Arnett-Hartwick
Northern Illinois University
Dr. Katherine Kandalec Holm
Athens State University
Dr. Johanna Lasonen
University of South Florida
Dr. David MacQuarrie
Michigan Department of Education
Dr. Petri Nokelainen
University of Tampere
Dr. Jeno Rivera
Michigan State University
Dr. Adam Manley
Western Michigan University
Dr. Marianne Teräs
University of Helsinki
Dr. Karen Jones
University of Georgia